
Acupuncture is a many centuries old medicine that works to help move and balance qi in your body. Tiny needles are inserted at points on the body where qi collects. In practice, your appointment may include other related modalities such as cupping and gua sha. If you're needle sensitive or have a needle phobia, you can book a laser acupuncture session and still receive the benefits of this anci... Read More

Acupuncture is a many centuries old medicine that works to help move and balance qi in your body. Tiny needles are inserted at points on the body where qi collects. In practice, your appointment may include other related modalities such as cupping and gua sha. If you're needle sensitive or have a needle phobia, you can book a laser acupuncture session and still receive the benefits of this ancient form of healing.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine, also known as phytotherapy, uses various forms of herbal preparations to assist the body in meeting health challenges. It is also a wonderful preventative medicine. A qualified medical herbalist creates powerful herbal formulas based on your unique situation to address your health concerns.

Joleen offers appointments in registered acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, needle-free acupuncture (LLLT / laser acupuncture), medical herbalism, and reiki. Appointment types can be booked specifically, or you can book a flex appointment where we will choose the most appropriate modalities for you that day.

Joleen also crafts a variety of skincare and body products, which can be purchased online or in person at your appointment.

Joleen completed a BA at the University of Saskatchewan and an MA at Concordia University, while also working and travelling abroad in between. Life eventually brought her to Victoria, where she attended Pacific Rim College and received diplomas in herbalism and then acupuncture, graduating from both with honours. Joleen has hundreds of hours of practical clinical experience treating a variety of patients with herbal medicine and acupuncture. Additionally, she has engaged in extra training in laser acupuncture. The learning never stops: Joleen is currently working on earning her teacher training certification in White Tiger’s 5 Element Qigong.

Joleen offers appointments in registered acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, needle-free acupunctu... Read More

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